KENMO Graffiti / Performance / Artist


G-gen die Wand

Heute kam der uns begleitende Drummer zum ersten Mal mit dazu. Trotz des Regens und der Kälte hatten wir ein super Brainstorming. Die grobe 'Story' der Aufführung wird langsam greifbar. Wir bleiben dran - Sonntag geht´s weiter!


Chaos & (B)order: the video and more photos.

Chaos & (B)order from Kenmo on Vimeo.

The final chapter of what turned out a trilogy of black-and-white graffiti live performances.
Like "Wandeln" (2011) and "Pandoras Box" (2012) this has been a youth project with volunteers.
While "Wandeln" dealt with conflict potential on a global scale and "Pandoras Box" with the conflict potential between individual and society, this one goes into the internal battle field between mental and emotional approach... (different interpretations are possible also)


We´re done!


We´re going to have a show!

Saturday night, 21.30 h.
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof.
Da gibt´s was zu sehen.