Pandoras Box – das Video!
Hier nun die Video-Dokumentation der diesjährigen Graffitiperformance.
Pandoras Box from Kenmo on Vimeo.
This is the second Graffitiperformance I produced. Like the first one it´s all black-and-white, music and "Zeitgeist"-issues. Unlike the first one this time we worked on a cube with four segments that can be rotated. This was quite a challenge to work with technically, since it was all new and we really didn´t have much time for our rehearsals. After the unexpected success of "Wandeln" last year it was hard to satisfy the high expectations anyway. In the end I think we worked out something good, but in my vision it could have been even better (which probably is the normal state of an artist, eh?!).
The first scene shows a person with a TV-head (a box!) bombarded with brainwash-propaganda from three screens until he finally doubts his identification with this virtual reality and asks himself the question "who am I?". This becomes the turning point. While the painted wall rotates imagine the person turning around in the room, away from the screens, still not knowing who he really is, just to find himself in the next bigger box like a prison cell confronted with surveillance and police brutality directed by a capitalist death figure in the second scene. Now they ask him to "identify yourself!". The third scene shows the usual system-identification-boxes like ID-card, bank card, smart phone and insurance card as the answer offered by the state. In the fourth scene the person finally identifies with what can never be taken away from him: his almost room-(box!)-filling body, his thoughts, feelings, impulses and consciousness as a naked man showing a face for the first time. Then the box closes again, following the original story of Pandoras Box getting closed before the last remaining thing in it can move out with the second opening: Hope!
The last scene representing hope shows the person outside of town, outside of the boxes, turning into the other direction with flying birds tied to his fingers as if he was to fly away towards the huge spiral in the night sky at the end of the picture, while the audience is left to decide wether his hope is something completely irrational like the last big illusion or wether it actually is something "reasonable", wether he´s got the magic to manifest another reality.
Pandoras Box
Identität aus der Box.
Wer bin ich? Was ist meine Rolle im Leben, in der Gesellschaft, in der Welt?
Gibt es Anlass zur Hoffnung oder ist das die letzte Illusion, die uns erlaubt, so weiterzumachen wie bisher?
Eine neue Graffiti-Performance von Kenmo und Konsorten.
Premiere am 24.8.2012 um 23 Uhr auf dem Freiland Festival "Auf Vermögen angelegt" auf dem Außengelände des Schlachthofs Bremen.
Zweite und letzte Aufführung am 25.8.2012 um 23 Uhr.
Kommt kucken!
>>Die Würfel der Welt sind gefallen. Es ist entschieden, dass es Arme gibt, die für die Reichen zu schuften haben. Konzerne müssen jedes Jahr neue Produkte auf den Markt bringen, um gut zu sein. Menschen müssen mit Sensationen betäubt und glücklich gehalten werden. Es gibt mehr Schulden, als es Geld gibt, um diese zu begleichen. Die Erde leidet und der Mensch fragt sich wieso. Die Würfel der Welt sind gefallen, oder geht da noch was? Nach dem erfolgreichen Stück „Wandeln“ vom letzten Jahr ist der Bremer Graffitikünstler Kenmo mit seinem Performance-Team nun zurück, um die Büchse der Pandora zu öffnen!<<