KENMO Graffiti / Performance / Artist


TSW 1990

Probably the first "TSW" ("The Style Warriors") I painted -
in my school, summer 1990.



This is a piece I did in summer 1996. I was working with an arts class from a school for adults together with a friend. This work is still standing and it became one of my best-known pieces since it is very close to the main station in Bremen and thousands and thousands of people pass by it every day.
Down at the left and right corner you see the letters K and M. I was experimenting in doing it without outlines, plus you can see how the rays of my spirit or mind cut through these letters of my name, transcending my identity in the physical plane. An alternative title at that time would have been Dhyana.
Someone obviously thought it needed some orange on the eyebrows - I´m not convinced, though...


Clear the way

Grünenstraße 1993


Hall of Fame – rest in pieces!

Vor kurzem wurde unsere Hall of Fame in der Bremer Überseestadt abgerissen. Schade drum! Es waren zwei schöne Jahre.

Recently our "Hall of Fame" in the harbour of Bremen got demolished. What a pity! It have been two nice years.


Love Conqueror

Um mich von der anstrengenden Projektarbeit und anderen widrigen Lebensumständen etwas zu erholen, habe ich am vergangenen Wochenende einfach mal wieder ein ganz "normales" Piece gesprüht. Wie es meinem Stil entspricht, setzte ich auf starke Kontraste in der Farbigkeit und (scheinbare) Widersprüche in der Aussage: Camouflage-Fill-In vs. pinke Outlines, Love vs. Conqueror...