KENMO Graffiti / Performance / Artist


TSW Sketchbook ca. ‘91

A friend of mine gave me this PDF with scans he made from old black-and-white copies of sketches, not only by TSW / The Style Warriorz, but loads of others aswell. In some cases it's hard to tell who made the original sketch, since at that times, people used to make their own tag on these copies, before they were given way to the next guy.
A few names here are Scez / Zoe (the later Keno (R.I.P.)), Menace, Jore, Eton, Newton, Caras, D-Nize, Jase, B-Base, me, and then there's some stuff from other towns and UK aswell.
The quality is bad, I think it was one of his first tries to digitally archive stuff in the late 90s... (and of course, many of the copies have been bad quality already before that)


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  1. moin,
    wie versprochen hier der link zu meinem blog.

    habe dort soeben auch deinen blog in blogroll aufgenommen und deine pdf beworben.
    die quali ist, wie du schon sagtest, hart am limit aber die ein oder andere skizze hab ich sonst auch in guter qualität auf meinem rechner.

    bis denn, …

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