KENMO Graffiti / Performance / Artist


“I Love Music”

Im August habe ich einen Graffiti-Workshop für das Jugendhaus Leeste gegeben.
Ziel war ein Bild für den Musikraum zu schaffen - hier das Ergebnis.

In august I gave a graffiti workshop for a youth centre. We created this painting on a wooden plate for the music room.



Last monday I gave a summer holiday graffiti workshop for 8 young girls in Lemwerder -
next monday there will be another one.


KGS (Kooperative Gesamtschule) Kirchweyhe

Today I finished another school yard wall painting. I have this continuous job there once a week and the children / teenagers change regularly. Those I'm working with now are really quite young and not used to work with spraycans and not really into graffiti (writing) either. I couldn't quite think of a concept for this wall, until I allowed myself to allow them to just kind of "spray their minds" and then make something out of it. It seems to work though, I quite like the outcome.


Chaos & (B)order: the video and more photos.

Chaos & (B)order from Kenmo on Vimeo.

The final chapter of what turned out a trilogy of black-and-white graffiti live performances.
Like "Wandeln" (2011) and "Pandoras Box" (2012) this has been a youth project with volunteers.
While "Wandeln" dealt with conflict potential on a global scale and "Pandoras Box" with the conflict potential between individual and society, this one goes into the internal battle field between mental and emotional approach... (different interpretations are possible also)



This week I finished this school yard wall with the kids. The title is "Lebensbahn" ("Lifetrain" or "Train of Life"). This particular trainstation is named after the school "KGS Kirchweyhe" - which is just one station of the train of life, symbolically.