2 Weeks ago at the Breminale…
...we had another great show, it was really amazing with the big and loud crowd!
Still waiting and working for another video, here are a few more impressions tho...
Next sunday, august 17th, we´re gonna play at the Wattenschlick festival in Dangast at the north sea!
Flowin Immo opening the show
Immo commenting on the first battle between Statik and Kenmo / subject: "Breminale" and "bicycle"
Promotion for the "Nordseite" revival jam, 20 years after the release of Bremen´s first hip hop sampler, september the 6th at the "Schlachthof"!
3 Weeks ago in Weyhe…
...we had this great Battlebox show with Oxe, Statik, Pommes, MC Blowm, DJ Stickeltodd, Beduine on the paint roller and me. I believe it was the hottest day so far this summer, and we were really sweating and exhausting ourselves in the afternoon sun!
I think we´re going to have another video soon...
Battlebox Breminale 27-7-2014
Die Battlebox auf der Breminale am Sonntag war der absolute Burner!
Genau SO habe ich mir das ursprünglich vorgestellt, und jetzt, im 4. Anlauf (ein kaum beachteter am Güterbahnhof im letzten September + die beiden in Weyhe) hat´s endlich so RICHTIG geklappt, ein Traum wurde wahr!
Herzlichen Dank an alle beteiligten Maler, MCs, Helfer, Jürgen! und das hochverehrte Publikum,
es war mir ein Fest!
The Battlebox at the Breminale (Bremen´s biggest festival) on sunday was the absolute burner!
My original dream became true now in the fourth attempt, THIS was what I really intended!
Many thanks to everybody involved, including the fantastic audience!
BATTLEBOX from Kenmo on Vimeo.
Battlebox, June 2013, Kirchweyhe / Germany
Making use of the 'left-over' box of the performance "Pandoras Box", I created this hip-hop battle-type event. The audience suggests the themes that the artists then have to paint to, within 10 or 15 minutes. To make it proper fun I also invited DJ Stickeltodd and MC Blowm for some adequate musical support!
The themes here are (in order of appearance):
1. "Four elements of Hip-Hop"
2. "Kleingartenverein" (garden plot association)
3. "Wochenendeinkauf" (weekend shopping)
4. "Fantasy"
Soundtrack: "Rauh und Ungepflegt", Blowmbeatz
This was the first try. We hope for more events like this in the near future! Book us!